Addy Grace

Addy Grace

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's Here...And It's AWESOME: Under Armour MagZip

While this doesn't directly pertain to Addy now, it's a task that many children and adults with upper limb differences struggle with on a daily basis, one I know Addy will struggle with and conquer in her own unique way.

When I heard that Under Armour was going to be producing MagZip clothing in the Fall of 2014, I was still in the early stages of accepting Addy's limb difference. Knowing that there was going to be a product available that would help make things easier for my daughter, and all the new friends we had made with limb differences was inspiring.

Our friends over at Born Just Right got their hands on one, and Jordan was able to navigate it with flying colors! Jordan gave the MagZip jackets a raving review, and the video her mom Jen posted was noticed by UA's marketing team and offered to send her some jackets in some snazzy colors! I am so excited for Jordan, Addy, and all of our limb different friends! Hopefully more clothing companies will pick up on the MagZip technology and manufacture their own.

Like I said, I know that this doesn't apply to Addy now...they don't even make them small enough for her right now! But you better believe I will be tracking one down to play with THIS WEEKEND!

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