Addy Grace

Addy Grace

Monday, March 24, 2014

Parks & Nightmares & Screaming...OH MY!

I can't help but feel like if this picture were being talked about by Andy Cohen on Bravo, he would say Addy was "throwing shade"...

We had some decent weather, finally (By decent I mean 50 degrees, sun shining...and wind that made it feel like it was about 35 degrees...)! Taking full advantage of both the sunny weather and the husband having the day off, I packed a picnic of pb&j's, grapes, goldfish, and Girl Scout cookies, and we ventured out to find a park! Keegan was over the moon to finally get outside, it's been a long winter for all of us. There was climbing, sliding, and swinging. There was also freezing, falling, and crying. I'm going to chalk it up as a successful park trip!

My big boy has suddenly turned into a scaredy cat. For months we have been doing bedtime the same way we always have. With the purchase of his new big boy bed from Ikea after the move, Keegan has been going to bed in his new big boy bed all by himself, with zero issues. All of a sudden, we are terrified of EVERYTHING. Bedtime has turned into a total nightmare. I dread it from the moment I wake up. We have tried bribing, shaming, prizes, even standing right next to him until we think he's asleep and then sneaking out. Fail, fail, fail. It takes the better part of an hour to get him to settle down and fall asleep. Once that battle is over, he sleeps for a few hours, and then the screaming begins all over again. At this point, I'm pretty sure the neighbors think we are trying to murder him on a daily basis. It's a mess.

Here's wishing something clinks soon, I need some sleep. I'm not one of those people that can function on little to no sleep. I'm a zombie, a mean one.

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